3f 400 Beach Tender


400 Beach Tender

The Beach Tender  is a specially designed boat to ensure all your needs are met when spending an incredible day at sea and at the beach.
It is an authentic “Day Cruiser” where you can comfortably sunbathe, sail fast and at ease. This model has High Standard Finishes and some features which no other boat of this size in the world can offer, such as a toilet, great boat ladder etc.
Additionally, the craftwork construction and the co-design allows the team to satisfy the needs of every single customer.



Technical Specifications

Shipyard  3f Tenders
Model 3f-400 Beach tender
Type of Boat Day Cruiser
Materials Mixed. – Fibreglass and Honeycomb
Displacement 450 Kg
Overall Boat Length 4,00 m + 0,60 m beach (Optional)
Breadth 2,20 m
Draft 0,30 m
Engine Overboard or jet
Maximum Power FB 80 HP / JET 150 HP
Type of fuel Petrol


Order your tender now

You will be able to customize it and include all your favourite features.
